05 March 2008

Daily DIScription

Today got off on a bad foot. I woke up at 7:00 in order to prepare for my call to Belgium only to be told (once I called) that the owner was out of the office until Monday. So, it will be a few more days of waiting before I find out any more information about the possible design position.

After the call I stayed in bed for awhile and then got up and played around on my computer for a bit, mostly organizing iTunes and other files.

Last night I finished reading Your Brain on Music and then I spent an hour or so practicing bass scales. I think I might have finally memorized the A major scale. After reading the book, I realize how much better off I would have been if I had stuck with the guitar when I was in grade school. Unfortunately, the guitars I had were too large for me and I think even the shape (not to mention size) of my fingers aren't good for guitar. I now play a short scale bass which is much more comfortable, but my brain is a little too hard wired now to learn scales and chords very quickly.

A little before noon I got a call from an ex-coworker who invited me to lunch, so I got some cash at the ATM and met him outside my old office. After lunch (Thai) I walked over to Ace Hotel, which is where I am now as I type this.

I booked my flight to New York in April, so I will be able to meet the owners of Theo in person at the Vision Expo. Luckily, I was able to trade in some miles, so the flight only cost $5! Beofre I head to NYC I will be making arrangements for job interviews in Boston (if I'm accepted to MIT) or New York (if I am not). Anyway, it should make for an interesting trip. Who doesn't like New York in the Spring?

05 March 2008

            • Black leather "Frye" boots painted with white house paint (Margiela)
            • White cotton t-shirt (American Apparel)
            • Black wool twill monkey suit, custom (Adam Arnold)
            • Pins: Fluxus graphic, Demeulmeester photo, Yves Klein painting
            • White cracked leather wrap bracelet (Demeulemeester)
            • Black titanium and plastic frames with mirrored lenses (Theo)

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